Sunday, September 23, 2007

Use gender neutral language

  • Avoid irrelevant gender descriptions such as “lady lawyer,” “woman pilot,” or “male nurse.”
  • Watch your language. Waiters and waitresses are servers. Stewardesses are flight attendants. Mailmen, policemen, and firemen are, respectively, mail or postal carriers, police officers, and firefighters.
  • Terms like “Girls,” and “Girl Fridays,” and "secretary" are as antiquated as typewriters. Use "assistant" or "admin."
  • Avoid the he/she or him/her problem by using plural nouns such as employees, readers, clients that take plural pronouns -- their and them.
  • Avoid sexist assumptions. A spouse is not always a wife -- and, in fact, there may be a partner, not a spouse.
  • Avoid characterizing men and women in a way that is derogatory to one, such as “assertive men” and “aggressive women.”