Sunday, September 9, 2007

What does your reader want?

Putting yourself in the reader’s point of view gives you valuable information about what you need to say and how to say it. It helps you focus on your material on the end result -- being read.

1. Who is your reader?
· Team Members
· Management
· Public
· Students
· Customers
· Vendors
· Others:

2. Why does your reader need to know this information?

3. How much does your reader already know about the topic?
 Knows nothing  Knows something  Is an expert

4. How interested is the reader in the topic?
 Not interested  Somewhat interested  Very interested

5. How well does your reader understand topic jargon?
 Not at all  Somewhat  Is fluent

6. What are the reader’s priorities?

7. What is the reader’s level of education?

The reader wants something from having read your document. Always answer WIIFM -- what's in it for me? -- from the reader's perspective!